Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Save some Green

Enjoy the Luck O' the Irish... Save some GREEN!
visit me online @ www.marykay.com/

Golden Olive, Ivy Garden, or Lemongrass Mineral Eye colors $5 each (reg. 6.50)

Mint Bliss Foot and Leg Lotion $8 (reg. 10.00)

Indulge Soothing Eye Gel $13 (reg. $15)

**non green items available too!**

Call or email

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I've been "tagged"!

My good friend, Hody, was featured on Just Joan's blog. Joan had singled out Hody's picture by looking in her "My Pictures" folder and selecting the 6th picture in the 6th file. Then Hody foll0wed the same pattern and located a picture of me (with ridiculously puffy hair) languishing on Dawn's couch in Rocky Point, Mexico. She posted the picture, recording wonderful memories and great photos.
Now it's my turn...
The 6th photo in the 6th file in "My Pictures" folder is:

....from Erin and Bryce's wedding !
Erin Clark Tanner is my favorite daughter and I am thrilled to post some pictures of her! She has a wonderful face for the camera.Erin was 8 years old here, and this is her baptism day with all four of her grandparents. Erin was always a sweet girl to her grandparents and enjoyed visiting them.

High school graduation was the start of a whole new world. And that new world included working with her dad at the Ute Farm right after graduation.
The Farm became an important part of her life, and she made the effort to introduce Carter to straw fields last summer.
The date on this photo is March 10, 2004 - the day Erin returned from the mission to Tucson, Arizona. We missed her tremendously and were awed with the woman who returned to us.

Erin was the quintessential Bride Doll on her wedding day in August of 2005.

She was just the cutest pregnant girl - too bad she felt crummy 90% of the time!
Thanks, Erin, for bringing Bryce and Carter into our lives. Having you and your little family come with us to Mazatlan is the high point of our year! Erin is the most patient and loving mama in the world. Look at the devotion on her face.

I love you and am looking forward to having you west of the Mississippi again!

So now I tag Erin, Carol, and Stu, (I don't know any more bloggers...)
1 Go to"my pictures" pick the 6th file
2. 6th photo and tell about them
3. and then tag 6 more people.