Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Painting Project at Erin's House

Bryce's brother had an extra ticket to the BYU - Utah game, so Bryce dashed up to Provo (too bad the game was so horrific for Cougar fans...). In his absence, Erin decided it was the perfect time to paint their bedroom.
Erin layers on the first coat of wonderful green paint, called Hosta.She enlisted my help because I am an excellent source of free labor. I tape and edge - really! These are "before" pictures:
After the paint, but before the bed is moved in. This is Erin's clever headboard - she bought a louvered door and attached it to another door to make it tall enough to be seen when the bed is in place. It is the perfect width for a king-sized bed. Actually Erin and Bryce are not large enough to require a king, but they often have small, wiggly boys sharing their bed with them! Erin white-washed the dresser and is planning on a beach-themed room. I promise more pictures as the design progresses.

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